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​June 12, 2013 – University of New Brunswick, Wu Centre

​UNB Campus, Fredericton, NB

5:00 – 5:30  Registration & Networking​​

5:30 – 7:00  Wine and Cheese Reception​

7:00 – 9:00  Panel Discussion

What is good Economic Development Policy?

June 13, 2013 – St. Thomas University, Forest Hill Conference Centre

Forest Hill Road, Fredericton, NB

8:00 – 8:30  Registration & Networking​

8:30 – 9:15  Michael Shute – A Two Circuit Approach to Economic Development​

9:15 – 10:45  Breakout Session 1

1. How can we create an openness to share data?

To enable Economic Development partners to design appropriate, effective initiatives and programs, data must be made available to            assess gaps and needs.  
2. How do we measure Economic Development?

Many different metrics, considering many different variables, can be used to measure Economic Development. What metrics do we currently use? Are these metrics effective?

3. How can we maintain common metrics?

Is it important to maintain a common metrics to measure Economic Development success? How can we identify what indicators to measure?

4. How can we identify what data we have?

Various bodies store data needed to assess and evaluate Economic Development. Is it possible to create a “clearing-house” where all of this data can be stored for central access?

5. How can we encourage SMEs and corporations to expand their measurements of success?

Many SMEs and corporations measure their success via a single bottom-line. How can we encourage them to consider a triple bottom-line, i.e. economic/social/environmental?​

10:45 – 11:00  Coffee Break & Networking

11:00 – 12:00  Breakout Session – Reporting
Identify a policy activity that can be initiated by NB-SPRN

12:00 – 1:30  Lunch
Presentation of NB-SPRN Annual Report

1:30 – 3:00  Breakout Session 2

1. How do we create and sustain healthy, vibrant communities?​

What is required to create communities where people want to live, establish and sustain their businesses?

2. How do we create education and training centres of excellence?
What components are necessary to place a focus on learning and to develop relevant programs accordingly?
3. How do we develop energy policy collaboratively?​

Energy as a resource has been identified as Economic Development generator. How do we develop policy in this area that takes into account environmental and social considerations? 
4. How do we ensure an increased, sustainable work force through economic development?
How do we determine if Economic Development satisfies the needs of the work force with more, well-paying, sustainable jobs?
5. How do we breakdown geographic barriers to develop Economic Development policy?
What research needs to be considered and what policies are required to ensure that Economic Development benefits the various regions of the province?​

3:00 – 4:00  Breakout Session – Reporting
Identify a policy activity that can be initiated by NB-SPRN

4:00 – 4:30  Final Remarks & Closing

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